George Zimmerman ARRESTED -- GF Calls 911, 'He Pulled A Gun On Me!'
George Zimmerman ARRESTED GF Calls 911, 'He Pulled A Gun On Me!'

George Zimmerman's girlfriend went NUCLEAR after he allegedly pointed his shotgun at her face and broke a bunch of her stuff ... and we got her dramatic 911 call -- but the craziest part ... Zimmerman says she's pregnant.
As we reported, Zimmerman was arrested in Orlando, FL earlier today after allegedly pointing his DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN at his girlfriend ... and shoving her out of the house, this according to the Seminole County Sheriff.
The GF called 911 in the middle of their argument -- shouting at dispatch while yelling at Zimmerman. Once police arrived, Zimmerman placed his own call to 911.
During his call, Zimmerman says the girlfriend is "going crazy" and is PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD. He says he called 911 so everyone would know the truth about what happened.
According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, the GF told police she and Zimmerman had become involved in a verbal dispute ... and when she asked him to leave, he began to break things in the house.
She told cops Zimmerman also began packing up his things -- which included a shotgun and an assault rifle -- but as the argument escalated, Zimmerman grew more upset ... and took the shotgun out of its case.
The GF announced she was going to call the police ... and according to the report, that's when Zimmerman leveled his shotgun at her and asked if she really wanted to do that. He then allegedly smashed a glass coffee table with the butt of the gun.
The GF told police Zimmerman shoved her outside and barricaded the front door behind her.
Zimmerman's pickup truck was parked in the driveway of their home (below) ... when police responded to the 911 call. Police claim they eventually forced their way into the house and placed Zimmerman under arrest.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... Zimmerman is currently being held in a single cell for his own protection.
Zimmerman has had multiple run-ins with cops ever since he was acquitted back in July of murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.