The Game -- $40k Diamond Bonanza ... Hey, I'm With CASH MONEY Now
The Game $40k Diamond Bonanza Hey, I'm With CASH MONEY Now
As you may know ... this weekend, Game announced he joined Lil Wayne's Cash Money crew -- and a few days before the info went public, he prepped by hitting up Jason of Beverly Hills for a pair new diamond chains. One for himself and one for Birdman, the president of CMR.
Game ordered two pieces -- one gold and one platinum -- each sporting a diamond encrusted medallion featuring the Cash Money logo.
There was a catch -- we're told Game put a rush order on the jewelry 'cause he wanted it by the time he made the announcement.
Sources close to the deal say Jason's team pulled back-to-back all nighters to make it happen ... and even slept at the shop ... but in the end, he met the deadline and everyone was happy.
Bling, bling.