TMZ Live: Arnold Schwarzenegger -- Big Daddy for Joseph Baena's 16th Birthday
TMZ Live Arnold is Big Daddy for Joseph's 16th Birthday

(0:00) Arnold Schwarzenegger's generous gift for his out-of-wedlock son -- who ... by the way ... is a spitting image of Arnie.
(7:00) Kasey Kasem's family demands to see him -- but his wife is allegedly keeping them from him. We talk to Kasey's brother about the situation.
(10:00) Lamar Odom -- rail thin.
(14:00) Paris Hilton releases a teaser for her new song -- but the question ... does Lil Wayne address her sex tape in his rap?
(18:00) "Don Jon" attacked by an Italian American watchdog group -- we talk to a rep from the group ... who states his case against the flick.
(24:00) Jesse Ventura has a great idea -- we don't pay taxes while the government is shut down. You buying what he's selling?
(29:00) Lindsay Lohan ... keeping bad company post rehab.
(32:00) Michael Jackson's family LOSES their lawsuit against AEG ... we'll tell you how it happened.
(36:00) The floor is yours!
(41:00) It's time again for ... viewer hate mail.