Miranda Kerr -- Rips 'Stupid Driver' ... After Unfashionably Late Arrival to Fashion Show
Miranda Kerr Rips 'Stupid Driver' After Unfashionably Late Arrival To Fashion Show

Don't screw with supermodel Miranda Kerr's schedule ... cuz if you do, she'll tear you apart in public -- like she did today when she ripped her "stupid driver" after he took her to the WRONG fashion show in Paris.
Miranda -- who's in the French capital for Fashion Week -- was already late when she arrived by car at the Louis Vuitton show ... then discovered -- to her horror --- that she was supposed to be at a completely different place ... the Vionnet show.
With no time to lose -- and her rep clearing a path on the sidewalks ... Miranda raced to the Vionnet show -- not easy to do in high-heeled, thigh-high boots.
Watch ... she's clearly not happy about her fashion faux pas ... and blames it on her "stupid driver."