Michael Jackson -- Takes Huge Fall in Last Photoshoot
Michael Jackson Takes Huge Fall On His Ass During Last Photoshoot

Michael Jackson wasn't always smooth on his feet -- the King of Pop took a nasty trip and fall while posing for his final magazine spread ... and TMZ has hysterical video of the accident.
Little background: MJ was doing a photoshoot in 2007 that was eventually published in L'Uomo Vogue and Ebony Magazine (below) later that year -- legendary photog Bruce Weber took the pics, and blah, blah, blah ... Michael tripped over a set piece, and took a dive during the session!
Not much more to it, but it is awesome to watch a roomful of people scramble when MJ falls.
Michael was fine ... he jumped up, gave a thumbs up, and laughed at his clumsiness while finishing the shoot -- his last before dying 2 years later.
So, moonwalk -- no problem. Standing upright -- ehhhh ...