Anthony Weiner -- Celebrates Rosh Hashanah ... By Screaming at Jew [Update]
Anthony Weiner Celebrates Rosh Hashanah ... By Screaming at Jew [Update]
Anthony Weiner isn't just an a-hole to Brits and women and school teachers ... he's also a prick to Jews -- and today in NY, he screamed at one inside of a Jewish bakery.
Weiner was being his typical unlikable self ... when a voter made a comment about why he thought the habitual self-dong photographer should fold his campaign.
Weiner, unhappy with the comment, called the guy a jackass ... and went off on another condescending attack ... proving, once again, he's the worst campaigner of all time.
Happy Rosh Hashanah everybody.
9/5/13 -- Turns out, the guy Weiner was screaming at had talked smack about Anthony's wife right before the eruption ... and it was all caught on tape.
In new footage, you can hear the Jewish man tell Weiner, "You're a real scumbag" .... and, "You're married to an Arab."
That's when Weiner lost his cool.
So, now that we know this information, do ya blame Weiner for going ballistic on the guy?