Tanning Mom -- I'm Going to Be in a Gay Porn!
Tanning Mom I'm Going to Be in a Gay Porn
Bad news: Tanning Mom Patricia Krentcil is going to be in porn.
Good news: She won't be having sex with anyone.
Sources close to the SPF -5 mom tell TMZ ... Krentcil first offered up her services to Vivid Entertainment, but they wisely passed. But Lucas Entertainment, a company that produces a series of gay porn called "Kings of New York," became interested ... and cast Krentcil in their latest episode.
According to our sources, the role is just a cameo and Krentcil will be paid $1,000 for just a few hours work. Most importantly, we're told Krentcil will be fully clothed for the shoot and there is NO sex involved.
Whew, that was close.