Ariel Winter's Brother Flip Flops -- She Belongs with My Dad
Ariel Winter's Brother FLIP FLOPS She Belongs with My Dad

Ariel Winter's brother was singing a different tune outside court this morning -- claiming his little sister belongs in the custody and care of their father ... and NOT with their mother.
Ariel's bro Jimmy Workman had previously submitted a declaration in support of his mother Chrystal Workman in her custody battle over the 14-year-old actress --denying allegations his mother physically and emotionally abused Ariel.
But outside court today, Jimmy said, "Hopefully my father gets custody of my sister, which it should be."
Meanwhile, Ariel's dad Glenn Workman filed his own declaration in the case, writing, "I am physically, emotionally, and financially capable of caring for my daughter, without limitation."
The judge just recessed for lunch, so he can read the reports from the Dept. of Children and Family Services.