Larry the Cable Guy -- Declares REDNECK WAR on Honey Boo Boo
Larry the Cable Guy Declares REDNECK WAR on Honey Boo Boo

Nobody wants to be a Honey Boo Boo kind of a redneck ... this according to resident redneck expert Larry the Cable Guy.
Larry was out last night in West Hollywood (prime redneck territory) when he told us about the redneck class system ... and explained how the Boo Boo clan sits right at the bottom.
"I'm a redneck ... I'm not a Honey Boo Boo redneck, I'm a Larry the Cable Guy redneck ... there's a big difference between the two rednecks."
Larry explained how there are various "stages" of redneckery -- with Jeff Foxworthy at the top ... and the Boo Boo bunch at the bottom.
Mama June ain't gonna like this ...