Lindsay Surrenders -- Cuffed and Headed for Jail
Lindsay Surrenders Cuffed and Headed for Jail
Lindsay Lohan just surrendered in Judge Marsha Revel's courtroom in Bev Hils, to begin her jail sentence.

A clearly upset LiLo sat and listened as Judge Revel ordered Lindsay's surrender. But before Lindsay was cuffed and taken away, the judge ordered all cameras to stop rolling.
Judge Revel made it clear -- no house arrest, and no early release. But that doesn't mean Lindsay will have to serve the full 90 days. The Sheriff's Department will use the 90 days to compute the actual time Lindsay will have to serve, and because of overcrowding, she will only serve 25% ... 23 days.
Lindsay didn't cry. When she was cuffed she was stoic.

Outside court, LiLo's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley said Lindsay had "stepped up and accepted responsibility" -- and that LiLo was as scared as anyone would be who's heading to the slammer.