Jesse's Dad: My Son Was Obsessed with Nazis
Jesse's Dad: My Son Was Obsessed with Nazis
Jesse James' father says he wasn't shocked by the infamous photo of Jesse in Nazi garb -- because he claims Jesse had a deep fascination with Hitler's evil war machine that stems back to his childhood.

Despite the fact that he hasn't spoken with his son in years, Jesse's dad, Larry James, is now telling all about Jesse's youth -- including the time he introduced Jesse to a real-life Nazi.
Larry claims he gave Jesse information about the Neo-Nazi movement "as a joke" -- but soon noticed that Jesse, "liked their war machine, he liked their uniforms, he liked their guns, he liked everything about them."
Larry also claims he doesn't know if Jesse is still into the Nazi thing -- because he's not on speaking terms with his son. In fact, he's never even met Sandra Bullock.
We called Jesse's reps for comment -- our calls were not returned.