Bonaduce Bloodies 'Survivor' Star
Bonaduce Bloodies 'Survivor' Star
UPDATE: We've just talked to a friend of Jonny's who tells us he's sleeping now. We're told that after the incident, he was taken to a hospital and treated for his wounds. There was no on-call dentist on site, but they were able to find Dr. Dean Carlston -- through 1-800-DENTIST! -- who worked on Fairplay's effed up mouth from 2:00 - 4:30 AM. We're told Fairplay did file a police report and that he "has every intention of seeing this through." Jonny's friend also says that Fairplay absolutely did not attack Danny Bonaduce.
Danny Bonaduce is a felony suspect.

Last night, at the FOX Reality Channel Really Awards, Bonaduce jumped on stage, picked up "Survivor" star Jonny Fairplay and slammed him on his face, causing him to lose a few teeth and break a toe.
Fairplay was taken to a nearby hospital, where police were called. TMZ cameras were rolling as the bloody reality star was loaded into an ambulance. Some jerk can be heard taunting the injured Fairplay, yelling the phrase "Team Bonaduce" as he got into the ride.
Bonaduce is named as the suspect in a felony battery report.
On The Adam Carolla radio show today, Bonaduce said he's had a thing against Fairplay ever since he pulled the famous "grandmother stunt" on Survivor, lying that she had died in order to get sympathy on the show.
Danny said he thought the show was over and he was leaving, and Fairplay was on the stage, asking the audience why he was booing him. Danny says, as he walked by, he said "They're booing him because they hate him."
Someone then asked Danny to go on stage and tell him that, which he says he did. Danny says he was off the first step of the stage when Fairplay suddenly ran at him, jumped on him and wrapped his legs around him.
Danny says he didn't know if Fairplay was joking. He then says he grabbed the butt of Fairplay's jeans and threw him over his head, not realizing how light he was. Danny says Fairplay face planted into one of the seats behind him.